Jan. 19, 2018

Punishment Was Written Down, Part II

The Coat of Arms of the Holy See, Donald Lindsay Galbreath, A Treatise on Ecclesiastical Heraldry (W. Heffer and Sons, 1930).

The Flame says:

“The Eternal Father sent a King to His people. That Divine King, coming on earth, had everything in His possession. He reigned for thirty-three years. After that reign, He divided the earth into kingdoms. Those have been delineated according to His designs, and the earth did not know how to make choice of his own kings to maintain peace between peoples.

“The first King has been put to death for the ransom of His own. Those who will be ruling after Him will be unthroned, and many among them put to death. The kingdoms of the earth will return, as of old, without any other government than the ruling of the first King, the One who created and ordered everything.

“It is not on the same day that some will be put to death, others thrown to exile. The following years… all those years will divide the kingdoms. It will be by the year, and even less than that, that kings of the earth will cease to exist. All will march along towards their ruin and desolation. The earth will be left but a desert. Kings will be ruling no more, except the one who is endowed with the eternal authority.

“If the kingdom which stands close to perishing (France), has to be the first one to undergo retaliation, it will be the first one to blossom again, the first one to be rebuilt in peace; but the subjects who will have to pay honor to its Saviour will be very few in number in the heart of that kingdom. Those who will render honor to that Saviour will be the sons of France and several others who will have come from the countries where the Exiled one has been dwelling.

“After all kings and kingdoms will have been destroyed, only the Eternal King, the true one, will be left who will be able to distinguish and make choice of subjects that may be worthy of maintaining peace. The whole earth will have been overturned and troubled during those days.”                    (January 12, 1882)

[Source:  pp. 229 – 230, Prophecies of La Fraudais].

Reflection on this prophecy:

The Eternal Father sent Christ, who is the “Divine King, coming on earth, [who] had everything in His possession. He reigned for thirty-three years.” 

After Christ’s Death and Resurrection, the kingdom of Christ is ruled by Saint Peter,the first Pope, and the kingdom of the devil is ruled by various pagans and the first heretics:  “After that reign [Christ’s], He divided the earth into kingdoms.”

The people belonging to the kingdom of the devil, by not having the One True Faith, chose leaders who ruled for themselves or for other men's interests, and so “the earth did not know how to make choice of his own kings to maintain peace between peoples.”

Christ is “The first King [who] has been put to death for the ransom of His own.”

After Him, His Vicars, the Popes, are opposed and hated ("unthroned" from the laws of the countries), and many are put to death:  “Those who will be ruling after Him will be unthroned, and many among them put to death.”

This prophecy then speaks of “kings of the earth” which are differentiated from the Vicars of Christ through time.  Unlike the Papacy, the “kings of the earth will cease to exist. All will march along towards their ruin and desolation.”

Only the Pope, who has the power to bind and to loose in Heaven and Earth, shall remain:  “Kings will be ruling no more, except the one who is endowed with the eternal authority.”

This prophecy predicts that violence and destruction will fall to France first out of all of the kingdoms, but that she shall also be the first to rise again:  “If the kingdom which stands close to perishing (France), has to be the first one to undergo retaliation, it will be the first one to blossom again, the first one to be rebuilt in peace”.

However, France will have very few Frenchmen left in Paris to greet their liberator, the French Monarch:  “[T]he subjects who will have to pay honor to [France's] Saviour will be very few in number in the heart of that kingdom.”

And now we have the exciting part of this prophecy, the part that mentions the Church in Exile, and puts faithful Catholics in France!  

Alongside the liberated and exultant Frenchmen, will be those of us who are in communion with the Papacy which has been exiled since 1958:  “Those who will render honor to that Saviour will be the sons of France and several others who will have come from the countries where the Exiled one has been dwelling.”

The final image presented through this prophecy is of the Holy Father re-establishing Christ’s Rule on earth through the Lawful control of the State by the Church; that is, the Kingship of Christ: 

“After all kings and kingdoms will have been destroyed, only the Eternal King, the true one, will be left who will be able to distinguish and make choice of subjects that may be worthy of maintaining peace.”

The masonic lies will be dead at last.

Christus vincit!  Christus regnat!  Christus Imperat!

Links:  Pope Gregory XVII   The See of the Cross

  "We declare, say, define and proclaim to every human creature that they by necessity for salvation are entirely subject to the Roman Pontiff ." - Decree of Pope Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctam,Nov. 18, 1302, ex cathedra