Apr. 6, 2018

A Hunger for the Holy Eucharist

Our Lady of La Salette warned us of these times.

“Oh my Good Mother, if thou knew how I have been troubled by Lucifer, dragon of seven heads! How I hate him!  How I detest him!

--He will be insolent, but no further than Divine Permission.

--But Mother, I would like more of all of the other types of sufferings.

--All of the elect, my daughter, have had their combats. It is a mark of predestination. I am with you.

--Keep my heart without spot. That my Angel may always guard my faith and my loyalty!

--Do not be afraid.

--Oh, Good Mother! Give me the happiness of grace at Easter time… at the cost of grilling on a fiery fire, at the cost of that which is the most cruel, the most painful.

--Do not expect anything from men… [and] less again from the one who must not delay seeing a confessor.

--I do not want more than the Will of the Good God! But if I have the liberty of my soul…

--You will do it. It is necessary to suffer sometimes.

--I do not refuse anything, my Mother from Heaven. Oh! If the Communion which, like all other Christians, I should receive at Easter, if this Communion is at the bottom of a very bitter chalice, oh! I will drink all to have it, and I will not feel the bitterness. If the Host without spot were in the middle of a fire, I would cross the fire to receive it, even if my flesh were reduced to ashes!

--I do not reveal to you the design of my dear Son. He keeps it for you. Soon you will receive it [holy communion].

--Thank you, Good Mother, from the bottom of my heart.

--I will leave you, my children…” 

                                                                             (1880, Holy Thursday)

[Source:  pp. 70 – 71, Le Ciel en Colloque,  by Fr. Roberdel, in translation].

Reflection on this prophecy:

Marie-Julie’s mention of the devil being “the dragon of seven heads” points to a significant time, that found in the Book of the Apocalypse, our present time.

Recall that Rome is surrounded by seven hills, and so, we have a reference to the satanic takeover in the Vatican, what our Blessed Mother referred to in her apparition at La Salette when she said that “[t]he anti-christ will have the seat in Rome.”

This takeover, with its resulting devastations to millions of souls worldwide causes Marie-Julie much suffering. In her love of mankind, she truly hates the devil for causing such destructions to eternal souls.

But our Blessed Mother reminds Marie-Julie that God is in charge, that the devil can go no further than the Good Lord permits.

So here we have the mystery of sufferings which are inflicted by God. We can recall Job, from whom God took everything, and who gained much merit in the end, because he still chose to remain faithful to God.

We all have the same opportunity for this grace. But we have to be persons of Faith. We have to love the Truth above all else and above everyone else.

Do you?

Can you give up your former ties to groups (even prayer groups), to activities (even pious ones), to being busy (even in the service of God)?

Holy Mother Church is in Exile. For this time, we are in prayer, alone for the most part, and offering our sufferings for the conversion of souls.

This is the reality of this time of Exile for each of us.

The Blessed Virgin Mary comforts us by saying, “All of the elect, my daughter, have had their combats. It is a mark of predestination. I am with you.”

We have our sufferings, our longings for former attachments (whether to people or to activities), and we must battle these because they are no longer available to us.

But we have the assurance that we are at last in the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church outside of which there is no salvation. 

And to comfort us, we have the constant presence of our Dearest Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Salve, Regina, Mater Misericordiae!  Hail, our Queen, Mother of Mercy!

A most blessed Eastertide to all.

Links:  The Great Crisis   St. Michael Prayer   LA SALETTE

 "We declare, say, define and proclaim to every human creature that they by necessity for salvation are entirely subject to the Roman Pontiff ." - Decree of Pope Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctam, Nov. 18, 1302, ex cathedra