May. 4, 2018

Marie-Julie of the Crucifix

Marie-Julie is seen here kissing her crucifix.


... the Angels arise and salute me:

“What do you search for here?”

-- “My Divine Spouse and the secret of how to love Him.”

-- “Take this Cross, accept it.”

I take it and I feel a blow in my soul, as if to destroy it. I ask the Angels what that means.

“By accepting the Cross, you accept all sorts of humiliations in your body and in your soul. Daughter of the Cross, you have given your heart to Jesus, who has signed your eternal donation with his Blood. Do you want to suffer, in your soul, all sorts of strange pains?

“I do want it, as long as it is Jesus Christ who sends you.”

The Angel puts one hand on my head and raises the other towards Heaven:

“Spouse of the Angels, here is the daughter of the Cross. She accepts to suffer up to the day of her death.”

Heaven opens... I see descending, on a cloud, Our Lord and nine Angels. I see some unachieved crowns and some piles of palm. The Saviour descends under the form of Ecce Homo.

“Is it thee, my Jesus?”

-- “My victim, look at how much I suffer!”

(Dialogue in the course of which Our Lord wants to make Marie-Julie approach close to Him, who has defended herself with a great humility).

-- “Marie-Julie of the Cross, do you love Me?”

-- “I don't know how to love Thee. But I am going to take from the flowers and the bits of the herbs their love, and I will say: my Jesus, may the little flowers love Thee for me!”

-- “Marie-Julie of the Cross, stand up. Promise me, by your faith, your confidence and your Baptism, promise to believe in Me for perpetuity and to never say: My Lord, Thou hast abandoned me, Thou hast created me to become a sterile tree and separated from Holy Church.”

-- “My Lord, I promise Thee to always believe that I am a Christian and a child of the Church, that my soul has been created to resemble Thee.”

-- “What you promise has closed my cruel wounds. From the breath of your heart you have come to dry them all. Today, you compensate me more than all your life.

... Victim, I have given Myself to your heart, spiritually, each time that you have desired Me.”

-- “My Jesus, my heart is cold, it does not desire anything.”

-- “Saint Thomas and Saint Francis have formulated your desires for you.”

-- “I thank Thee, my Jesus.”

-- “You give Me great pleasure when you desire Me in this way, and that you shed hidden tears. I take much pleasure from your groans and from your desires for Me to save you, more than from seeing five persons fasting on dry bread and water. The least thing that you do with a simple heart, with the aim to accomplish My Will and to accept all of the trials, this pleases Me more than all of the absent-minded prayers said to Me.”

The Lord adds:

-- “Listen to my little sermon...

“O you, persecutor, I say to you:

“A beautiful and fresh flower will arise from under the mask of your words. The flower will not be suffering and all will fall back on you... You who do not know how to make the rose to flower, you have wanted to overthrow her with mountains. Lift yourself up from under this weight of contempt and come offer Me your heart. You who have veiled eyes, you do not dare to see the power of my prodigies. This beautiful flower will come before your eyes; you will see everywhere the rays of her soul. If you do not light the way for yourself, adversity shall come to you, because you will not see the Sanctuary.

“And you, my victim, go to the Cross; pray for those who outrage Me and for those who never stop from outraging Me.”

(Madame Gregoire, 5 March 1878)

[Source: pp. 60-62, Le Ciel en Colloque avec Marie-Julie Jahenny, by Fr. Pierre Roberdel, in translation].

Reflection on this prophecy:

Madame Gregoire was a faithful secretary to Marie-Julie, a faithful friend, and defender. This prophecy takes place when Marie-Julie is still young, some twenty-eight years old. Christ is teaching Marie-Julie what pleases him in her suffering; that is, the simplicity of her intention, of her love for the salvation of souls.

The beginning of her vision is beautiful, and teaches us of how Angels are intermediaries for us with Christ our Lord. Marie-Julie first comes upon Angels who have been in adoration, for they arise and ask her what she wants: “What do you search for here?”

Marie-Julie replies with a singular courage that can only come from love: “My Divine Spouse and the secret of how to love Him.”

The Angels immediately give her the essential method for learning how to love Christ, saying, “Take this Cross, accept it.”

This is a real lesson for us, a lesson that we must accept. We must suffer yes, always in this valley of tears. But we are to ACCEPT our sufferings. We must AGREE to suffer if we are to love Christ.

When the Angel affirms to Christ Marie-Julie's desire to suffer all of her life, Christ descends with nine Angels, which itself is significant.  

Why nine Angels? It may be that each of the Angels come from one of the nine choirs of Angels.

Another possibility is that each Angel represents one of her nine years as a victim soul, since the age of 19. Recall that, born in 1850, Marie-Julie is now 28 (the date for this prophecy is 1878), which means that nine years have passed by.

Most interestingly, Marie-Julie sees “unachieved crowns and piles of palm [leaves]” which have yet to be claimed by future saints who have fought the good fight and triumphed. (They are there for our taking, if we have the courage to accept sufferings!)

Marie-Julie sees our Suffering Lord, with His Crown of Thorns, the Ecce Homo, and He asks her if she loves Him.

Marie-Julie's reply is honest. She says she wants to; that is, she wants to do good for souls, to intercede for them. This is why she offers flowers and bits of herbs to Christ, because these have beneficial juices that can help to heal our infirmities. Marie-Julie just wants to do good, like the flowers and herbs.

But Christ has harsh sufferings for her, and he needs her to be aware, and thus to promise Him: “...promise to believe in Me for perpetuity and to never say: My Lord, Thou hast abandoned me, Thou hast created me to become a sterile tree and separated from Holy Church.”

On the one hand, this does not surprise us because we know that she will be disbelieved, and mocked at by many, and denied the Holy Sacraments for eleven years of rigorous investigation by representatives of Holy Mother Church.

But on the other hand we are surprised, because to a large extent this is our suffering today. Each of us who has been given the Faith to understand the fact that the Papacy is exiled since the masonic takeover of October 26, 1958, we now see how we are spiritually united to Marie-Julie.

Do we not feel rejected and “abandoned” by family, friends, and colleagues for our beliefs? In being alone, and particularly in praying alone, are we not that “sterile tree”? In not being able to attend the church building in our neighbourhood, because it follows the anti-pope in overtaken Rome, do we not feel “separated from Holy Church”, blessed to receive the Holy Sacraments at all?

Indeed, each time we go to the Holy Sacraments we never know if it will be the last time during our lives here on earth. This is a suffering also. This is a burden that we must accept because of the times we live in.

Christ tells Marie-Julie that her desire for Him and her “hidden tears” please Him very much, much more than severe bodily penances.

We must remember to cry (suffer) without speaking of it, if we are to please Him. Our self love demands to be comforted, but we must have strong wills and push past such very human weakness.

We must remember what truly pleases the Suffering Christ, the Ecce Homo: “The least thing that you do with a simple heart, with the aim to accomplish My Will and to accept all of the trials, this pleases Me more than all of the absent-minded prayers said to Me.”

The Ecce Homo even addresses Himself to the persecutors, encouraging them to come out from under the weight of their “contempt” for the Catholic Church.

She is a “beautiful and fresh flower [that] will arise from under the mask of [their] words.” A mask points to the lies, the deceptions that have been perpetrated against the Pope and the Catholic Church. A mask also tells us that the true perpetrators of the lies have been hiding behind masks that make them seem Catholic.

But the Papacy and the Church are Divinely Protected. The Church is the spotless Bride of Christ. The enemies can never change that, for it is who She is.

Happy are we who can count ourselves Her children, by Faith and Baptism!

But we have a job to do, a hard job. We must accept our sufferings, just as Marie-Julie has.

We must take Christ's last words to Marie-Julie as words to live by:

“[G]o to the Cross; pray for those who outrage Me and for those who never stop from outraging Me.”

May the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary teach us how to suffer for the salvation of souls.

 Links:  Pope Gregory XVII   The Great Crisis   3 Days of Darkness

  "We declare, say, define and proclaim to every human creature that they by necessity for salvation are entirely subject to the Roman Pontiff ." - Decree of Pope Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctam, Nov. 18, 1302, ex cathedra