Jun. 15, 2018


 Marie-Julie Jahenny, the victim soul who prayed for us and especially for the Holy See of the Cross, the Papacy in Exile.  Hail Pope Gregorius XVIII !

The Prophecy:

 Jesus tells me:

« Spiritual communion produces great fruits in the soul. Many souls have won more through spiritual communion than through sacramental communion.

The Council of Trent strongly recommended spiritual communion. The Doctors of the Church have also recommended it.

My children, there are souls who have won through [spiritual communion] 10,000 times more merits than by sacramental communion, due to the absence of priests, being that they [the priests] have been repelled by the authority.

This beautiful practice of spiritual communion, which is rare today, compensates Me for the great abandonment where I am left. The advantages are great, above all if one looks to divulge this practice.

My victim, it is necessary that you make satisfaction for those who offend me. It is necessary that you pay for the ingratitude of those who outrage me when they persecute you. It is necessary that you be stoned.

--I want it a lot.

If I stop making you suffer, the cessation of your sufferings will make my vengeance to fall upon those who persecute you and persecute Me . . .

You know, when the spouse suffers, the Divine Spouse also suffers. Our alliance is for always. You are the fountain into which I come to wash my bleeding wounds. My Victim, when I receive strong outrages, I drink from half of it and I give you the rest. When sinners strike on my spines, if there are two, I give you one. In this way, you have by a purpose the veil of my anger, the sinner will never be struck.

. . . In this rotten century, I have chosen for you the road of the greatest tests. To the others I give a father and a friend to direct them, to lighten and diminish their pains. For you I have made an exception:  for you [there will be] no consolation. You tell me: My Lord, my Lord, am I in Thy grace? You are the only one that I have treated in this way.

--I thank Thee, my Jesus, as long as I am saved!

--I have allowed your enemies to place on you, upon your back, the coat of sufferings. I have wanted to see their malice. You have abandoned yourself to My Holy Will:  that is what I was waiting for. I treat you as My Father has treated Me.”

(28 February 1878)

[Source: pp. 72-73, Le Ciel en Colloque avec Marie-Julie Jahenny, by Fr. Pierre Roberdel].


Reflection on this Prophecy :

This week’s prophecy bears important lessons:  firstly about the merits to be had from Spiritual Communion, secondly, how we can make satisfaction for the sins against God by those who persecute us, and thirdly, how Marie-Julie Jahenny has been given a special role in this intercession on behalf of sinners.

About Spiritual Communion:

With Holy Mother Church in Her exile, we do not receive of the holy sacraments as much as we would like. This can become a burden, since it deprives us of spiritual graces to fight the good fight to our best ability each and every day.

What we need to consider, and to consider seriously, is making Acts of Spiritual Communion daily, and even often throughout each day. There is no limitation on how many Spiritual Communions a person may make.

And, as we learn from today’s prophecy, the benefits are a gain in merits before God, which make us more worthy for Heaven – that is, less likely to be damned for all eternity.

Our Lord Jesus Christ tells Marie-Julie that “Many souls have won more through spiritual communion than through sacramental communion.”

This is astonishing, for one always thinks that a sacramental Communion, the actual receiving of the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, would be the most efficacious for the soul.

But it seems that this is not always the case. Logically then, it would seem that it is the degree of union with which one unites oneself with Our Lord spiritually which can allow us to gain, at times, greater merits.

And then our hopes soar as we read:

“My children, there are souls who have won through [spiritual communion] 10,000 times more merits than by sacramental communion, due to the absence of priests, being that they [the priests] have been repelled by the authority.”

Marie-Julie Jahenny is undergoing this exact situation, since she is denied sacramental communions for eleven years while the authority of her diocese undergoes its investigation of her visions, stigmata, etc.

And with the Great Apostasy which has taken place, we are left in a similar situation today!

Our search for daily graces must, AT LEAST ONCE DAILY, include making Acts of Spiritual Communion. We cannot fail in this, for the graces are great, giving “10,000 times more merits . . . due to the absence of priests”.

How good God is as we go through this desert experience!

Spiritual Communion is explained as the “beautiful practice of spiritual communion …[because it]…compensates [Christ] for the great abandonment where [He is] left alone in a tabernacle, forgotten – or worse, rejected for some worldly distraction. May Christ have mercy on our souls!

About Interceding for Sinners who Persecute Us:

Christ tells Marie-Julie that “it is necessary that you make satisfaction for those who offend Me.” This is so that souls may receive graces necessary to their salvation.

Again we are reminded of the words of Our Lady of Fatima: “Souls go to Hell because there is no one to pray for them.”

Our Holy Mother is trying to help us to understand that intercessory prayer and sacrifices on behalf of sinners is not only very important, but also just.

Have we not ourselves received our Faith as a free gift from God? Where then are our merits which deserved this greatest of gifts?

But in our pride we forget that our Faith has not come from our own efforts, and in our self love we forget to intercede for the souls who are still to receive this One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Faith which we hold so dear.

No, we would rather indulge in angry or hate-filled thoughts, especially about those who persecute us (or have persecuted us in the past), rather than beg God for their souls to be saved.

Aren’t we at fault? Will we not have to answer for such wretched selfishness?

But we can do so much for poor sinners (and our own souls also)! We can offer up Spiritual Communions on behalf of these sinners, and especially on behalf of those who persecute us!

What Marie-Julie’s Intercessory Role Teaches Us:

God’s Divine Will for Marie-Julie is “the road of the greatest tests.” As she suffers through bouts of great pains, blindness, deafness, and not being able to speak, eat, drink, or walk, she is also being humiliated and isolated. As Christ tells her in this prophecy, “for you [there will be] no consolation.”

And she, who is being utterly abandoned to endure her sufferings without consolations, is revealed to be receiving a great grace, for our Lord tells Marie-Julie, “You are the only one that I have treated in this way.”

Her role as intermediary for sinners is explained thus:

“When sinners strike on my spines, if there are two, I give you one. In this way, you have by a purpose the veil of my anger, so that the sinner will never be struck.”

Christ is revealing that it is through the sufferings that she accepts, which rightly belong to those who sin against God, that she is able to help them to avoid Hell.

Who are these sinners?


And so we come to understand that these souls who persecute us are sent to us so that we will be their mediaries with God!

If we can take this suffering on, without complaining but by making prayerful and earnest supplications instead (such as Spiritual Communions), then we can help that soul to avoid Hell because God is giving us the means, because God wants it!

What a great friend we have in the Bridegroom of our souls! He gives us so many opportunities to live a supernatural life while still on earth. Here we are, in the 2018th Year of Our Lord, and we are studying a lesson which Jesus Christ gave to Marie-Julie in 1878!

May we remember always about the importance of daily Spiritual Communions, and about the need to intercede for those who persecute us.

Laus Tibi, Christe!

LINKS:  Pope Gregory XVII   French Monarch   St. Michael Prayer

 "We declare, say, define and proclaim to every human creature that they by necessity for salvation are entirely subject to the Roman Pontiff ." - Decree of Pope Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctam, Nov. 18, 1302, ex cathedra