Nov. 2, 2018

Sin Eats the Faith

 Saint Gemma Galgani and her Guardian Angel.

In this week's prophecy, Saint John the Apostle teaches us about the active role of our Guardian Angels in guiding us to a holy life.

Saint John stands. He takes the Golden Book out from his clothing. He says:

“Brothers and sisters of the earth, the doctrine of the Lord is trampled under foot. The Faith, confidence and love for God are swallowed as into a dark tomb. Take courage. After the shake up permitted by God, the Faith will become flourishing; the Faith will be heard more than ever before… previously, it was necessary that, to purify men, Divine Justice pass over the earth.”

--Saint John, where will the Faith be during this terrible shake up?

“Each heart will keep his plot hidden. This plot will regenerate with the Grace which will fall upon the earth after Justice will have passed over it.”

--But while the rain flows from all eyes, who will revive our Faith?

“Your Guardian Angels will sustain you.”

--And those who do not have one, Saint John?

“Each one has his Guardian Angel. He is always there, sometimes far away, and he cries. Their tears will serve to reanimate the faith of those with whom Faith is extinct.”

--The hearts which no longer have any rest from Faith, what will become of them?

“They will be counted by the demon.”

--How many hearts lose the Faith?

“Dear brothers and sisters, sin eats faith, it feeds on it and destroys it.”

--Saint John, surely, I do not understand your words so wise.

“I come to preach in the name of the Lord. Here is the Justice of Heaven threatening you.”

--I don’t like this conversation on Justice.

“It is for you to tell the truth about which the Lord has sent me. Brothers and sisters, the earth trembles under your feet. It trembles only under the steps of sinners and the impious; but it is firm and solid under the feet of the Just.

“The earth, in this moment, is again well populated, but the flowers in it are almost all disappeared. Nature is stripped while awaiting an event of pain. The Lord will come, with His Justice, at the hour when the earth will again be stripped, but now the buds will begin to show themselves and the earth to re-green itself. The days will be longer, and the sun higher in the sky.

“I speak in the name of the Lord. Know that the Lord has blessed, upon the earth, a little corner intended for His children. Await the hour of Justice and of Mercy. In this small protected corner, Justice will not penetrate with rigor.”   (1st January 1878)

[Source: p. 191-192, Le ciel en colloque avec Marie-Julie Jahenny, by Fr. Pierre Roberdel].

Reflection on this prophecy:

This prophecy points directly to our times, and Saint John, the prophet of the Apocalypse, is sent by God to direct us.

The masonic takeover has ensured that “the doctrine of the Lord is trampled under foot.” We have been told through the prophets that the pushing aside of the Papacy into Exile, “the shake up, is, in fact, permitted by God”. The reception of the Holy Sacraments has, for the most part, ceased, and all that is holy, all that will lead us to Heaven, the “Faith, confidence and love for God are swallowed as into a dark tomb.”

We are living in the times of the Apocalypse, yes. But we must “[t]ake courage.” This is how Saint John begins this message from our Lord.

When Marie-Julie asks Saint John, “[W]here will the Faith be during this terrible shake up?” we know that she has seen exactly what we endure: the diabolical effects which, without sacramental supports, sweep away the Faith from family, neighbours, colleagues, youth, and even young children.

During this shake up, the Faith becomes replaced, again and again, with the diabolical mindset that will not think of God, of His Truth, of His existence, of His love for us.

That rejection of God is in advertising, entertainment, literature and all writings, education, medicine, justice systems and laws, fashion designs, music, the Arts, all forms of government, language, "manners" and the (im)moral code of today.

God is constantly pushed out of a person's mind. People no longer take the time to look up at the sky or to observe their world, they look down at their ‘smart’ phones.

With the Papacy exiled, where is the Faith to be found?

Saint John tells Marie-Julie that our Faith lies hidden in our hearts, like a lovely field: “Each heart will keep his plot hidden.”

In other words, we will protect our Faith by our daily prayers and our daily battles to live holy lives.

Then this great Apostle and Saint, whose task it was to see these times and write them in the Book of the Apocalypse, tells us that this Faith “will regenerate with the Grace which will fall upon the earth after Justice will have passed over it.”

For all of us who are of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Faith, then, a time of Grace will come after the Papacy’s Silent Exile which will strengthen us, which will “regenerate” our Faith within us.

Surely, this will be the time for conversions. Our words, which have fallen on deaf ears up to now, will spur the survivors of God’s Divine Chastisements to believe in God’s love for them. They will want to learn of Christ, and they will receive the gift of Faith!

But in the meantime, all souls living through this time must suffer. A very strong visual image is presented to us, very poignant and sad, of “rain flow[ing] from all eyes”. This is an Apocalyptic image of the universal suffering of all souls, so much so, that the tears flow as steadily as “rain”.

It is Marie-Julie who uses this image when, to help us to know more, she asks the hard question: “[W]hile the rain flows from all eyes, who will revive our Faith?”  In other words, during these diabolically ruinous times, how will people get the gift of Faith?

Saint John’s answer is mystical, beautiful: “Your Guardian Angels will sustain you.”

Our Guardian Angels, who know us since our conception, will actively teach, guide, and nurture us during these most difficult times, if we let them!

Saint John expounds on the role of the Guardian Angels with souls who fall into mortal sin:

“Each one has his Guardian Angel. He is always there, sometimes far away, and he cries. Their tears will serve to re-animate the faith of those with whom Faith is extinct.”

So somehow, we sense when we make our Angel cry, when we disappoint our Angel, when we have pushed our Angel far away from us by our poor choices, our attachments to sin.

The soul who hardens his heart against his Angel’s tears is not just caught in a life of sin, but is also constantly and actively rejecting the Truth by ignoring his Angel’s tears.

Our sins hurt our Guardian Angel and they crucify Christ.

But we go on, pretending that nothing is wrong, that we are fine! That we are good. We reject the Truth.

This is how “sin eats faith”.

So Marie-Julie asks, “The hearts which no longer have any rest from Faith, what will become of them?”

She knows that only God and having the True Faith, the Catholic Faith, can give us true rest from all the sufferings and cares of this life on earth, this ‘Valley of Tears’.

But without the Catholic Faith, there is no rest at all. And so, Saint John says, “They will be counted by the demon.”

Yes, the devil will torment them, treating them as his own property.

But God’s Divine Justice will come to punish sinners, in order to bring them back to Him. This coming Chastisement will be physical, and it will end with the 3 Days of Darkness.

The anticipation of God’s Just Punishment makes sinners fearful, while the faithful patiently count on a Divine Intervention to end the reign of evil: “It [the earth] trembles only under the steps of sinners and the impious; but it is firm and solid under the feet of the Just.”

Saint John then instructs us about what to expect at the time of this last Divine Chastisement:

“The Lord will come, with His Justice, at the hour when the earth will again be stripped,” that is, mankind will be at its climax of sinful lives of destruction, both of themselves and of the world itself.

After the Divine Chastisement, “the buds [souls with the True Faith] will begin to show themselves and the earth to re-green itself.” The Faith will be taught and, slowly, souls will convert around the world.

“The days will be longer, and the sun higher in the sky.” After the 3 Days of Darkness, the people who have survived – one third of the planet -- will live their lives for love of God, glorifying Him; mankind will be blessed, and the earth will be more plentiful.

And again, our Lord assures us of our special place of refuge: Brittany:

Saint John says: “I speak in the name of the Lord. Know that the Lord has blessed, upon the earth, a little corner intended for His children. Await the hour of Justice and of Mercy. In this small protected corner, Justice will not penetrate with rigor.”

Deo gratias! May our Lord help us all to meet in Brittany before the 3 Days of Darkness. May our Guardian Angels help us to hear His call and teach us to have the Love of God that will impel us to obey Him!

May the Divine Assistance remain always with us, and may the Holy Souls in Purgatory, through the Mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

LINKS:  The Warnings   3 Days of Darkness   Map   Getting to Brittany

 "We declare, say, define and proclaim to every human creature that they by necessity for salvation are entirely subject to the Roman Pontiff ." - Decree of Pope Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctam, Nov. 18, 1302, ex cathedra