Nov. 9, 2018

The Sieve of Jesus

The Archconfraternity of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is found at

 The Prophecy:

--My Good Mother, my soul is exhausted from moaning. It is all bloody from looking for Jesus.

“Rest on my heart, my daughter.”

--I am not worthy.

“You are the sieve of my Son.”

--I do not understand, Good Mother.

“Stay calm. You are on a pyre of woodchips.”

--There is nothing good [in me], my Mother!

“Your peace makes me happy. Rest upon my heart. It is a soft pillow… I love you, this is why I leave Heaven to come to see you.”

--Me? A poor wormwood!

“Without the grace of my Son, the worms would have already gnawed you. But they do not eat the sieve of the Good God. Do not be discouraged, you do a great job. You work for you, when you conform yourself to the Will of my Son. You also work for your persecutors: you are their shelter, their safeguard.”

--I am no more than a small grain of dust.

“Let me tell you that my Son used, for His Glory, all the beatings of your heart. Your respiration is for Him alone: He receives it, in the evening, like a sweet balm that consoles Him from the outrages. He nourishes your heart by Spiritual Communion. He will make you see the beautiful flowers that your heart produced… In order to rest, do you want to sleep on my heart?”

--No, Good Mother, it is time to work.

“You are tired.”

--I will rest in Heaven.

“Do you suffer?”

--When Jesus separates my soul from my body, He will cure me.

“You have done so much work! Why do you want to do so much work?”

--For the Glory of God and for charity.

“It will not give you anything.”

--God will pay me.

“I want,” says the Blessed Virgin Mary, “that you stop loving your enemies.”

--Oh, Lady! No, Dear Mother, I want to love them with all my heart. To love them, I will borrow from the hearts of the victims.

“If you want to love them, I will leave you.”

--Leave me if thou want to, my Good Mother, but, as for me, I will not leave them.

“I do not want you to pray for them anymore.”

--Ah! My Mother, thou art very good, but thou art nonetheless hard.

“You must not love your friends anymore.”

--Good Mother, that, I cannot promise thee. I cannot. Abide by the Good Jesus, He is the Master.

“I will take away your trials and your sufferings. I will close the way to Heaven. You will remain alone.”

--My faith and my courage continue.

“You will return into the world and you will not have the joys of Heaven anymore.”

--Good Mother, it is a kindness that thou hast done for me. Thou canst take it away. I will say as Job did: may thy holy name be blessed!

“… I wanted to test you,” says my Good Mother. “It is for the good of your soul. After this test which has cut you, I will put you in the garden of my Heart. You will be my flower of the morning.”

--I am no more than a thorn.

“You will be my refreshment, my daughter.”

--I am just a thorny bush. I will prick thy Heart from my thorns.

“You will be my flower.”

--I am no more than a big thistle.

“Come into my Heart; enter into the novitiate of all the virtues…

“This science will be so beautiful that you will find there the opportunity for a heavenly transformation within your humanity. This honey will spread outside your cell. I will say to my servants to take my words and this book will be approved.”

[Source: pages 108-110, Le ciel en colloque avec Marie-Julie Jahenny, by Fr. Pierre Roberdel].

Reflection on this prophecy :

At the beginning of this prophecy, Marie-Julie Jahenny is suffering very much. The Virgin Mary tells her that she is being sacrificed: “Stay calm. You are on a pyre of woodchips.”

Marie-Julie’s complaints show the frail side of us when we suffer, how we complain, which is a desire to not have to suffer.

But we have to recognize the greatness of Marie-Julie’s will, because she is able to reject her weakness in her nature, saying: “There is nothing good [in me], my Mother!”

Of ourselves who are in communion with the Pope in Exile are constantly having to butt our heads against those who follow our enemies (the world, the flesh, and the devil).

We hate the conflicts, we complain, we wish we could be elsewhere, we wear an unhappy face.

But of course, there is no place for true rest, not in this Valley of Tears.

Think of it, we have been put into this time by God. Saints who were much stronger in suffering longed to live in this time; but God chose us.

He chose us for this suffering! This is our means to get to Heaven.

In a time when practically everyone is being deceived by the devil and going to false worship, we are with the Holy Father, the Vicar of Christ.

And in this great privilege, just like Marie-Julie, we feel so small.

We say with her, “[I am a] poor wormwood!”

And the Virgin Mary’s answer to Marie-Julie tells us a great Truth:

“Without the grace of my Son, the worms would have already gnawed you.”

It is only by the grace of Christ our Lord that we even have a hope against conquering our sinful nature.

And the grace of Christ is through suffering, through becoming the viaduct of graces for ourselves and others through our sufferings:

“[The worms] do not eat the sieve of the Good God. Do not be discouraged, you do a great job. You work for you, when you conform yourself to the Will of my Son. You also work for your persecutors: you are their shelter, their safeguard.”

And how does Christ fortify us since, like Marie-Julie, we go without the Holy Sacraments for a long time? “He nourishes your heart by Spiritual Communion.”

And any suffering that we patiently accept and offer to him in expiation for sins of others will bear fruit: “He will make you see the beautiful flowers that your heart produced”

In the midst of Marie-Julie’s sufferings our Blessed Mother offers her the refuge of Her Immaculate Heart: “In order to rest, do you want to sleep on my heart?”

The Immaculate Heart of Mary is “a soft pillow” and she invites all of us to find refreshment and comfort there!

Our Good Mother tells us, “Come into my Heart; enter into the novitiate of all the virtues…”

Here, then, is our chance to become great Saints. Our Blessed Mother will guide us, by means of Devotion to Her Immaculate Heart:

“This science will be so beautiful that you will find there the opportunity for a heavenly transformation within your humanity. This honey will spread outside your [home].”

May our Good Mother find us always ready to be eager students! Ad Christi per Mariam!

 LINKS:  LA SALETTE    Important Prayers   Marie-Julie Prayers   St. Michael Prayer

 "We declare, say, define and proclaim to every human creature that they by necessity for salvation are entirely subject to the Roman Pontiff ." - Decree of Pope Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctam, Nov. 18, 1302, ex cathedra