Jul. 5, 2019


"Sacred Heart of Jesus, Hope and Salvation of France." Christ will conquer the masonic choke-hold on France.

“After the King will have received the most holy blessing, in the midst of his courtiers and My noble defenders, their desire and My designs are: let them be joyfully on their way, carrying the white banner, to the place where I will have clearly mentioned the hour for his coming, whence I will have sent messengers carrying the news and hope for salvation. That sign of victory, the white banner, will rest in the Shrine where My gifts are already reaching the climax of glory and comfort. And the Called One, shedding tears, will praise My kindness, adore My Divine Majesty, and after the imitation of Saint Louis, will strike his breast and prostrate his face to the ground.

“Triumph will be magnificent on earth; magnificent will be the coming of the Exiled one to the See of the Cross; magnificent, the triumph of My brave fighters. That festive celebration, longed after, proclaimed, will not be any more for the enjoyment of your eyes. But, from higher above, at the sight of noble families jubilant, of My Resplendent Glory cladding them over, the sublime ambition of your soul, already departed from the earth, would be to return and share in such a jubilance.

“For several months already, you will have been enthroned amidst the delights of eternal happiness; but I will split the sky open to let those pageants of triumph and glory appear to you.

“The Blessed Virgin will have already prepared the spotless flag, ornamented with the lily of My Heart. But they will carry it on just while returning to the throne. His Majesty, informed already from a long time, about the Lord’s designs, will have punctually obeyed His divine commands. According to My divine Will, the resplendent names of those Frenchmen, My Apostles and Disciples, will be printed on the white part of the saviour’s flag.

“Which flag will remain alongside with him, in his dwelling-place, on his throne; and throughout the future of centuries, France will narrate the honor and glory of the King’s illustrious conquerors, chosen and elected by the Saviour of his people.”

(9 February 1882)

[Source:  pp. 202-203, Prophecies of La Fraudais, by Fr. Pierre Roberdel].

Reflection on this prophecy:

This prophecy depicts some important events regarding the coming out of exile of the true Pope and the true French Monarch:

“Triumph will be magnificent on earth; magnificent will be the coming of the Exiled one to the See of the Cross; magnificent, the triumph of My brave fighters.”

The “See of the Cross” is true Papacy, which continues to be in exile. The stepping forward of the true Pope, to take His rightful place on the Chair of Saint Peter, will be the most important triumph.

The exiled French Monarch will recognize the true Pope, a Successor of Pope Gregory XVII, and ask to be crowned King of France by His Holiness.

After being crowned, Henri, the true King of France, will be joyfully met by Catholics faithful to Marie-Julie’s prophecies, who will be carrying a most beautiful white banner, Heaven’s “sign of victory.”  

This most Catholic flag has been faithfully kept for this special occasion:

“The Blessed Virgin will have already prepared the spotless flag, ornamented with the lily of My Heart.”

This magnificent banner will remind King Henri that his triumph, and France’s triumph, has been the triumph of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

The sight of this beautiful Catholic banner, showing France’s Catholic heritage and fealty to Christ our Lord, will move King Henri deeply:

“[T]he Called One, shedding tears, will praise My kindness, adore My divine Majesty, and after the imitation of Saint Louis, will strike his breast, and prostrate his face to the ground.”

This prophecy also reveals that the French Monarch not only believes in Christ our Lord, but also has the courage to follow His dictates:

“His Majesty, informed already from a long time, about the Lord’s designs, will have punctually obeyed His divine commands.”

It seems that the French Monarch knows of Marie-Julie and the prophecies given to her!

The group who brings this flag to the King will carry it “just while returning to the throne” because this flag is the King’s to keep.

Once the flag is with the King, the names of the most faithful Catholic warriors will be written upon it:

“According to My divine Will, the resplendent names of those Frenchmen, My Apostles and Disciples, will be printed on the white part of the Saviour’s flag.”

King Henri will be a good and faithful king. He will keep this flag to remind Himself and all Frenchmen of the burning and very real Love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus for France:

This flag “will remain alongside with him, in his dwelling-place, on his throne; and throughout the future of centuries, France will narrate the honor and glory of the King’s illustrious conquerors, chosen and elected by the Saviour of his people.”

Yes, the Sacred Heart of Jesus is the true "Saviour of [the French Monarch's] people".

Let us all invoke the Sacred Heart of Jesus for the return of the sheep to the one true Shepherd, Pope Gregory XVIII:

Sacred Heart of Jesus, our peace and our reconciliation, have mercy on us!

LINKS:  Important Prayers   The See of the Cross   French Monarch

3 Crises in France   LA SALETTE   St. Michael Prayer

 "We declare, say, define and proclaim to every human creature that they by necessity for salvation are entirely subject to the Roman Pontiff ." - Decree of Pope Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctam,Nov. 18, 1302,ex cathedra