Jul. 13, 2019
The Church Militant came to pray the Holy Rosary in Marie-Julie Jahenny's room, where all of her visits from Heaven took place. We prayed for the freedom and exultation of Holy Mother Church and for the removal of the Church of Darkness from Rome, among many other intentions. We were the only pilgrims on this day... what a special time it was for us!
The couple who take care of the shrine informed us that one of the linen shrouding cloths that were used to cover Our Lord's head is in exposition for veneration only for this summer at the Cathedral in the city of Cahors, north of Toulouse.
We have altered our itinerary so that we can go there to pray for Pope Gregory XVIII's intentions, as well as all of your intentions, before this holy relic of Our Crucified Lord Jesus Christ. Deo gratias!