Jul. 26, 2019


This older statue of Saint Anne and the Blessed Virgin Mary is found in the parish church, Saint Pierre, on Mont Saint Michel.

I honour the glorious mother, Saint Anne, accompanied by the Holy Virgin.
Saint Anne says:

“Each year, my children, I come from Heaven to bring you a word, on this day before my feast day, at the time when you gather around my feet to solicit graces.

“When I see, each year, pilgrims come to kneel down at my feet, from the bottom of my heart of a mother, I tell them in silence this word:

I also prepare my last benedictions for Brittany.

“The Calvary of pains which, outside of Brittany, wait for France, will not see years pass before it is erected… Already there is little time, the religious who inhabit this earth, the sons of Saint Ignatius… My pain is immense to see the commencements of pains which will not stop.

“My children, these men, who lead the eldest daughter of the Church to Hell, are prepared to dip their feather in the ink of Hell to make a summation …”
--“I do not know what this means.”

“My servants know this word… the summation of all, against those who are not refugees in homes which are not religious, offered through the charity of good souls. My children, each one of the pastors of the dioceses of France will certainly be obliged to respond, as he will be able and according to his thoughts, good or bad. A tragedy will befall those who will not be on the side from where comes Glory and from where will come out Salvation! [1]

Footnote by the author: [1] An allusion to the persecutions which were to follow after the year 1880, but it also appears to be a prophetic announcement of the pressures, in another way important, against the bishops, during the First Crisis.
(Note from the author: These last are described in other ecstasies, but we are not publishing them for now.)

“These are they who will be obliged to make these addresses to all the religious of France. Only a little while after these shipments, the masters of the present times will lift their powerful voices, and pronounce that all religious be shipped out on vessels, out of France. At the sentiment of pity for the pastors and the religious, nothing will be left to them.

“My children, I believe that I am able to tell you that the bishops of France will be called to appear, and to pass, by the laws of today. Never, never, will they be able to defeat all of the demands from the laws which the governors of France will impose on them. Religion will crumble in France.

“My children, they do not know what to do in their hypocritical and sullied reign: they will take it to the head of the Church, and right then and there they will follow it without penalty. The little people will be obliged to submit to laws which will be more than profane, more than hateful, but not all people will do so. The good and brave people, who will not submit to the orders of the government, will have much to suffer but, thanks to Heaven who will have designated their walk and their path, they will come out vanquishers.
“My children, Brittany loses its faith, and the bad of the kingdom has reached right up to her. I count a considerable number there who will not refuse to submit themselves willingly.

“If, everywhere, the Lord, before the march to the abyss, would germinate souls for the final salvation of His people, this counter which I inhabit, this land will not be the last to give the beautiful stem which will shut up the grains of the Word of Salvation and of Hope; which is the side desired by the children of Religion.

“My children, I am, even here, consoled by the number of the sons of France whom I have seen at my feet. I await the King1 in front of the altar where I am standing. I will listen to his prayers and I will disperse the graces of my heart.
“I will bless him for the time when human forces will make him walk at the head of the faithful defenders. All will have the wish for superhuman help.
“Thousands of guilty ones will have devastated the Centre [Paris] and its inhabitants. They will not be stopped again by the justice of Heaven, at the end of the coming of the faithful servant. It is there that the Lord will rejoin His Own, and will confuse forever those who have the ambition to conquer the seat of the kingdom, and from there enthrone their friends.

“From Heaven, I will look after Brittany. I have promised it; but she is destined to suffer much evil. I repeat that she will open herself to the passage of barbarians who will cross her, between five and nine places from here, to go the foundation of the North Coast. There, one will have prepared instruments which will sever the heads of Christians, these instruments, on the other hand, which we remember to remember when, on this place, they will fulfill this painful execution, during this crisis which walks on his centenary. My children, it is upon Rennes2. From this side, there are good people, but also very bad people, and the Hand of the Lord will not manifest itself on these places in the last hour.
“If the world would know the approach of the hour of God, they would prepare; they would nourish themselves with the faith which is the weapon of combat. My children, there is no more to do than to pray.

“My children, what weakness in the homes of apostolic men! The time, which touches on a determination very bad for them, will make to see the little faith of these apostles. They will be the cause of the damnation of a multitude of souls which will be lost by the example of their guilty weakness.

“My children, the time which comes will not be more happy than that of today, where all the works are under an overwhelming persecution.

“Adversity [belongs] to the time which comes, when the Lord will not stay shut up in Heaven, but will visibly appear1 on places of the earth, in Glory, to recompense those who have suffered. Courage, a little again, and Heaven will recompense all evils.

[ Author’s Footnote: 1The reference is not to the final judgment nor to the end of the world.]

“The servants of the Lord will not be spared. Sufferings are needed to lighten eternal sufferings and to merit the Salvation of France.

“I stop and I promise my assistance to all the sons of the Lord of which I am also a mother.”

Words of Saint Anne
(25 July 1882)

[Source: pages 126-129, Le Ciel en Colloque avec Marie-Julie Jahenny, by Fr. Pierre Roberdel].

Reflection on this prophecy :

This weekend’s blog is in honour of Saint Anne, the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, whose feast day is on July 26.

Her words are a balm to our faith in many ways. She speaks on five themes: (1) how prayerful petitions are never ignored by Heaven; (2) the ruinous effect of the masonic government taking control of the Church; (3) the invasion of France (and Brittany) by barbarians; (4) how she will help the French Monarch; and (5) that Heaven will recompense all that will be suffered by the faithful in the times of persecutions, both in this world and in Eternity.

(1) Saint Anne ensures us that when we humble ourselves and pray to a Saint for help, we are heard and graces are sure to come. In fact, the pilgrimages made to honour a Saint’s feast day do ensure the pilgrim of graces to be gained.
Of herself, Saint Anne gives her spiritual children the graces of further understanding the persecution of the Church – at the time of this prophecy, this event was still in the future-- and of the effects of a barbarian invasion which will sweep northward through her beloved Brittany – still to occur, and in our times this looks to be possible through an alliance of muslims and communists.
(2) Saint Anne here gives us pertinent information on the method of the persecution of the Church. She calls it a “Calvary of pains… [which]… is erected”, and she speaks of the religious and the Jesuits as leaders, but “these men, who lead the eldest daughter of the Church to Hell, are prepared to dip their feather in the ink of Hell to make a summation.… of all, against those who are not refugees”.

By refugees Saint Anne means those religious and priests who received the grace to have the fortitude to leave their convents and dioceses, without an income, and become “refugees in homes which are not religious, offered through the charity of good souls”. Only these soldiers of Christ are able to avoid the diabolical attacks.

We have seen much publicity around Jesuits (from Teillard de Chardin to Mr. Borgoglio) and other religious (Thomas Merton to Mother Teresa) who have taken countless souls with them through their diabolical thinking and/or actions, but there is also evidence of a few Jesuits and religious who took up the cause of supporting Pope Gregory XVII and tried to reverse the masonic takeover.

Only His Holiness, Pope Gregory XVIII, knows if such supports are still in place, but there is reason to hope that there are, for the Sacred Heart of Jesus burns with Love for us, and there are still souls who respond to His Love with their lives.

To get to the Papacy, first the bishops are targeted. Saint Anne speaks of France, but this method of persecution has been followed in the same fashion in every country all over the world.

With the “hypocritical and sullied reign” of the masons, there is no court which is truly Just, and so, as a result, “[n]ever, never, will they [the bishops] be able to defeat all of the demands from the laws which the governors of France will impose on them. Religion will crumble in France.”

Why could the bishops, the apostles of the world, not withstand the attacks?
Saint Anne has the answer. She sees “the little faith of these apostles… [and that] [t]hey will be the cause of the damnation of a multitude of souls which will be lost by the example of their guilty weakness.”

And so, even her blessed land, Brittany, is to become infected by the general apostasy from the Faith: “My children, Brittany loses its faith, and the bad of the kingdom has reached right up to her. I count a considerable number there who will not refuse to submit themselves [to the novus ordo] willingly.”

(3) With the stoppage of the continual offering of the Sacrifice of Christ on the Catholic altars around the world, evil is allowed free reign. We are living in this time period, and the violence is increasing ever more, and most assuredly, it is at the hands of the same enemies who pushed the Holy Father into Exile.

The invasion by the barbarians is described by Saint Anne as being a French phenomenon, but it may also be worldwide. The United States of America is the only superpower which supports democracy. She is the honestly the only military power left to defend us, and so she, and her allies, have been attacked ever more. Will we awaken tomorrow to find that her leadership is indeed taken over?

Even the land loved by Saint Anne, Brittany, “is destined to suffer much evil…[and]… she will open herself to the passage of barbarians who will cross her, between five and nine places from here, to go the foundation of the North Coast.”

Knowing this, it is better for us to follow Christ’s advice for us to stay where He has placed us and to come to Brittany only when we hear the interior call to do so.

The barbarians (probably an alliance of communists and muslims) will have “one [who] will have prepared instruments which will sever the heads of Christians”. Will this only occur in France? Probably not.

Wherever such murders are to occur, we must remember what Saint Anne says: “there are good people, but also very bad people, and the Hand of the Lord will not manifest itself on these places in the last hour.” In other words, due to sin, God will permit this as a punishment.

What can we, the Faithful, do?

Saint Anne wisely tells us that we need to hold on to “faith which is the weapon of combat. My children, there is no more to do than to pray.”

She also tells us that “[t]he servants of the Lord will not be spared. Sufferings are needed to lighten eternal sufferings and to merit the Salvation of France.”
If we can offer up our sufferings, or our deaths, to lighten the eternal sufferings of our stubborn loved ones, and to save France, and through her, the Church Militant, is not this worth our efforts and our pains? What peace we will enjoy in Eternity, knowing that we did our very best for all souls up to our last breath!
(4) Saint Anne promises to help the French Monarch:

“I await the King in front of the altar where I am standing. I will listen to his prayers and I will disperse the graces of my heart. I will bless him for the time when human forces will make him walk at the head of the faithful defenders. All will have the wish for superhuman help.”

The French Monarch will come to fight the enemy forces after the destruction of Paris, and the killing of many of this city’s inhabitants. Saint Anne reveals that “the Lord will rejoin His Own, and will confuse forever those who have the ambition to conquer the seat of the kingdom, and from there enthrone their friends.”

And this is when all Catholics are to rejoice, because it is this French Monarch, and none other, who will be Just, and Catholic, and who will bring the Papacy out of Exile! May his reign come soon!

(5) Finally, this good mother, Saint Anne, assures us that Christ Himself will console us as we suffer tribulations for His sake: “[Christ] will visibly appear on places of the earth, in Glory, to recompense those who have suffered. Courage, a little again, and Heaven will recompense all evils.”

And she also will not forget us: “I promise my assistance to all the sons of the Lord of which I am also a mother.”


(300 days indulgence, once a day. Leo XIII, March 20, 1886).

With deep and heartfelt veneration I prostrate myself before thee, O glorious St. Anne. Thou art that creation of privilege and predilection, who through thy extraordinary virtues and sanctity was worthy to receive from God the supreme grace of giving life to the treasure-house of all graces, blessed among women, Mother of the Word Incarnate, the most holy Virgin Mary. Deign, therefore, O most compassionate saint, for the sake of this lofty privilege, to receive me into the number of thy true followers, for such I protest I am and desire to remain so long as I may live. Surround me with thy powerful patronage, and obtain for me from God the grace to imitate those virtues with which thou wast so abundantly adorned. Grant that I may know and bitterly lament my sins. Obtain for me a most lively affection for Jesus and Mary, and fidelity and constancy in the practice of the duties of my state. Preserve me from every danger in life, and assist me in the moment of my death, so that, safe in Paradise, I may unite with thee, most blessed Mother, in praising the Word of God made man in the bosom of thy most pure child, the Virgin Mary. Amen. Pater, Ave, Gloria, three times.

Holy Saint Anne, Mother of the Immaculate Virgin Mary and Grandmother of Jesus Christ our Lord, pray for us!

LINKS:   The See of the Cross   3 Days Darkness   Quis ut Deus   Blessed Food & Drink  EMP & Power   

 "We declare, say, define and proclaim to every human creature that they by necessity for salvation are entirely subject to the Roman Pontiff ." - Decree of Pope Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctam,Nov. 18, 1302,ex cathedra