Jan. 31, 2020


In Part 1, we looked at the attacks against mankind’s hearts, minds, and souls, so that when the bishops were attacked there was no one standing up for them. From the loss of the Catholic Bishops came the closure of convents and monasteries providing Catholic instruction. Now we continue with the next part of this prophecy:

In the sun the Flame says:

“Even in the most remote places, all the agents of Hell are at work, for the time being, on abominable writings. My people will meet with them everywhere on its way. Many a runner is calling workmen to rebellion, because of the lack of work which is their daily bread… Little towns, like big cities, will be ruined by gangs of workmen without any shelter nor refuge. They will scatter around everywhere, mostly because the hour when they will be able to satiate their hunger will not delay its striking.”

The Flame says:

“Everywhere, France, almost in its whole, will be aroused against the Church. Without any respite, abominable articles will be scattered around about faith and the Church, articles which the world would never have been able to conceive, without Hell.

“The wretched enemies of the Saviour-God, who assemble in the lodges and fill them up, feel the right time is coming up. They will rise, full of hope, to throw mud and scandal upon the Apostles of God and upon the Church. It’s through them that youth will completely put its Creator and Redeemer into oblivion. That period causes one to shiver about those among Christians whose faith will be found unshakable.”

The Flame has a whole side being extinguished and the sun takes a sad appearance, as drowned in a dark veil. Another flame rises up saying: “I will contain the voice of her who has been chosen as Queen of this kingdom.” I listen to her word. She says:

“The Mother of God, moved by the love of her heart, will come back again upon earth, appearing to her people after an immeasurable manner.

“She is going to renew her descent from Heaven unto earth, in the places surrounding the mountains of La Salette. She will appear floating on a white cloud, surrounded with a garland of roses, in order to say:

“The earth will be but a tomb, starting from Alsace-Lorraine, which is not included, until Brittany.”  (Words of the Flame. March 15, 1882).

[To be continued next week].

[Source:  pp. 76-77, Prophecies of La Fraudais, by Fr. Pierre Roberdel].

Reflection on this prophecy:

In this second part of this prophecy, we see the reappearance of the ‘wicked runners’ who have been spoken of by Marie-Julie Jahenny in other prophecies.

These are they who try to destroy the Faith in mankind: “Many a runner is calling workmen to rebellion, because of the lack of work which is their daily bread…”

The gangs act out violently due to economic sufferings: “Little towns, like big cities, will be ruined by gangs of workmen without any shelter nor refuge.”

This time of violence is connected in this prophecy with hatred aimed at the Holy Catholic Church, a hatred which quickly spreads throughout France: “Everywhere, France, almost in its whole, will be aroused against the Church.”

This time of anti-Christ always uses every machination against the One True Faith on a worldwide scale, and the bullseye of these attacks is always the Holy Roman Catholic Church, that keeper of the One True Faith.

Is this the diabolical hatred that we are living through today?

Yes, it would seem so, because, for many decades, the wicked runners have been printing “abominable” anti-Catholic articles “[w]ithout any respite”, writings which, according to this prophecy, are the invention of hell.

The leaders of these continuous, global, anti-Catholic attacks are masons: “[t]he wretched enemies of the Saviour-God, [those] who assemble in the lodges”.

And yes, masonry now controls the press, the ‘entertainment’ industry, banking, the courts of justice, education, publishing, etc.

The moment for their long-planned domination, the pushing aside of Pope Gregory XVII at the Papal Conclave of 1958, was “the right time”.

Yes, the masons have “rise[n], full of hope, to throw mud and scandal upon the Apostles of God and upon the Church.”

We have lived to see vile and shocking, immoral charges being brought forward in newspapers and other media sources around the world against the Apostles of God: the bishops, and the Church: the priesthood and the religious congregations.

And just as Christ was sold for money by Judas Iscariot, we can be certain that good bishops, innocent priests and selfless religious have also been perjured for wealth.

If you doubt this, look only to the business that is today’s abortions, where babies are barbarically murdered (‘farmed’) for their body parts – oh, this worldwide infanticide is a real money maker!

Heinous evils have triumphed against Holy Mother Church because God has allowed them.

We are living through a worldwide spiritual chastisement of an uncountable magnitude: the gates of hell have been opened.

Our sufferings, coupled with the losses of our loved ones to this diabolical spirit of anti-Christ is truly a purifying pain which brings us closer to our Creator.

But what of the children and youth born into this time without spiritual Truth, holy guidance, and a daily life built around prayer?

 “It’s through them [masonry] that youth will completely put its Creator and Redeemer into oblivion.”

Without knowing their God and Creator, youth are falling into despair: cutting themselves, becoming anorexic, obese, and/or drug addicted, committing murders and suicides.

Confusions and diabolical disorientations reign. This new age of anti-Christ brings with it new terminology for formerly unheard-of perversions.

And the enslavement of the minds of the young is most obvious with how they are held captive by their cellular telephones. Is it any wonder that they report feelings of alienation?

These souls need the fire of the Holy Ghost to inflame their souls with spiritual life, with supernatural love, but instead the souls of children and youth are truly dead: The Flame has a whole side being extinguished and the sun takes a sad appearance, as drowned in a dark veil.”

Who can help these children with the present choke-hold on global information?

The Blessed Virgin Mother of God can because her Immaculate Heart is full of supernatural Love:

“The Mother of God, moved by the love of her heart, will come back again upon earth, appearing to her people after an immeasurable manner.”

The Holy Mother of God will come to comfort and guide “her people”; that is, those who will accept her as their Mother also.

“She is going to renew her descent from Heaven unto earth, in the places surrounding the mountains of La Salette.”

What will be the message of the Blessed Virgin Mary? It will be a final call to repentance, a final chance to wake up, before the coming of the 3 Days of Darkness, when fire will fall from the sky and kill two-thirds of humanity on earth:

“The earth will be but a tomb, starting from Alsace-Lorraine, which is not included, until Brittany.” 

Come soon, Holy Mother, come soon, we beg Thee on behalf of the children and youth of this time!

Saint Don Bosco, holy Priest and holy spiritual director of children and youth, pray for the conversions of today's lost children and youth!

LINKS:  The Few Faithful   3 Days Darkness  The Sun   The Warnings  3 Days of Darkness  After the 3 Days   Getting to Brittany   The Rule of 3        St. Michael Prayer

"We declare, say, define and proclaim to every human creature that they by necessity for salvation are entirely subject to the Roman Pontiff ." - Decree of Pope Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctam,Nov. 18, 1302,ex cathedra.