The Church in Exile and The Three Days of Darkness
Oct. 30, 2020
PHOTO: Chart illustrates the growth of wheat, showing the days along the bottom.
“My people, My people, My people, your eyes are going to see the beginning of the frightening hour, when greening wheat will not have reached the third knot of its growth.
“At the moment when My people will have nothing left but to take up the arms of faith and hope, while during the hard season, for the time-space of four hours – from noon time to four o’clock in France – in days still painful, the sun will have something like a mourning veil. It will be darkened out, without any light.
“Never could anyone on earth ever believe in the thick blackness of this darkness. Earth will have nothing left. The eye will be veiled, without being able to perceive the slightest object.
“My people, that will be the beginning of My Justice’s chastisements. The sun will announce these sorrows; Heaven will weep and seem unable to be comforted, because this will be the entrance to times when souls will be lost, the entrance, in a word, to the frightening misfortune.
“My people, this darkness will cover Brittany for the length of four hours, but there will be no harm … simply a small fright. You are not going to be afraid?”
(5 October 1882)
[Source: pp. 187-188, Prophecies of la Fraudais, by Fr. Pierre Roberdel, and checked against the original French edition, Les Prophéties de la Fraudais, also on pp. 187-188].
Reflection on this Prophecy:
The prophecy above is important because these four hours will mark the beginning of the era of suffering for we faithful and the damnation of souls.
What could block the sun for four hours? An incoming asteroid that is coming from the direction of the sun.
In 2018 such an asteroid was found, and was named 2018VP1. This asteroid is coming very close to earth on the feast of All Souls, November 2, 2020.
But the media is not giving this asteroid much coverage. The result is that few people even know about this incoming asteroid, and will be truly frightened if there is sudden and deep darkness.
This deep four-hour darkness would link asteroid 2018VP1 with this important warning from our Lord Jesus Christ.
Another test would be the time for this asteroid.
Wikipedia (in English) gives a thorough presentation of facts, listing the three mathematical theorems which calculate three different possible arrival dates and times for this asteroid:
November 1st, 2020 at 23:54 UT (almost 1:00 a.m. France time)
November 2nd, 2020 at 1:12 UT (2:12 a.m. France time)
November 2nd, 2020 at 11:33 UT (12:33 p.m. France time)
[Source: ]
It is this last date and time which matches the prophecy above of four hours of darkness in France, from noon to 4:00 p.m.
What of the time of year? The prophecy above will happen “when greening wheat will not have reached the third knot of its growth.”
If you look up wheat growth, you will see that there is a seeding time for wheat in September. That wheat will have had some 5 weeks of growth, which makes it approx. 35 days old, (see chart at the beginning of this blog post) a time when wheat is not quite at its third node for leaf growth. [Source: ]
So now we must watch for whether darkness occurs, and especially in Brittany, since Brittany is the place referenced in the prophetic warning above.
Will it be an intense darkness lasting four hours?
If so, then please understand that “your eyes are going to see the beginning of the frightening hour”, a time when God’s people “will have nothing left but to take up the arms of faith and hope”.
Remember how Moses lifted his arms to God for mercy as the Hebrew people fought, and as long as he kept his arms up his people could not lose?
Yes, we will have to beg God to be merciful to us and to our families.
We will be frightened by persecution. This will be our time of purification through poverty.
What are we fighting against?
This vaccine. It is a satanic sacrifice.
This vaccine uses the tissues gotten from murdered babies burned to death in their mothers’ wombs or torn apart alive, limb by limb, as they are removed:
There are many sources to verify murdered baby tissues in the making of vaccines, such as the COVID. Here is one source:
If those in power try to force this satanic sacrifice on us, then you must know it is the Mark of the Beast.
We will not be able to buy or sell without a certificate or digital verification that we have received this vaccine.
All who take it will be possessed by demons and will be damned for all eternity. Holy scripture tells us this.
This is why our Lord tells Marie-Julie Jahenny:
“My people, that will be the beginning of My Justice’s chastisements. The sun will announce these sorrows; Heaven will weep and seem unable to be comforted, because this will be the entrance to times when souls will be lost”.
May we be given the faith, courage, and fruit of longanimity to love God and our eternal souls enough, so as to refuse.
"But when these things begin to come to pass, look up, and lift up your heads, because your redemption is at hand." [Luke 21: 28]
LINKS: The Sun The Warnings 3 Days of Darkness After the 3 Days Getting to Brittany St. Michael Prayer LA SALETTE
"We declare, say, define and proclaim to every human creature that they by necessity for salvation are entirely subject to the Roman Pontiff ." - Decree of Pope Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctam, Nov. 18, 1302, ex cathedra.