May. 21, 2022
“My children,” says Mary Immaculate, “you walk on a solid earth…”
“Perfidious and perverse men will respect this place where I come down. The plagues will pass to the side of this place where I live. When the storm, which already looks terrible, will fall from the sky on the earth, look in the direction of the Sanctuary of the Cross… I again hold back the punishments. Courage, my children, that nothing discourage you!”
--Nothing, my Good Mother, will ever make us go back… We are ready to sign our faith in God with our blood.
“If this mountain of the Faith, here where you are, was falling apart, my dear child, would your faith not weaken?”
--When I see the earth swallow itself, the mountains split, the trees rise up and the sky about to open, nothing will bring down my faith and my courage!
“If I told you right now: my child, for the glory of my Divine Son, we have to walk to martyrdom and suffer atrocious torments?”
--I am ready, dear Mother… Since my childhood I have been sighing for martyrdom.
“My dear child, if you understood all your troubles and the state where you are!... There is enough to make the greatest of martyrs.”
--Good Mother, I lose myself in the immensity of my God. I leave to the side all troubles and all hardships.
“But if you saw yourself at the point of being nailed to the Cross.”
--The hollow for the nails is already made. There is nothing more to do than to push. The suffering will be a pain of love.
“If you needed to appear before the tribunals, before the men who are judges upon the earth?”
--I would appear there, my Good Mother. I am innocent of all crime; I have never offended anyone.
“And if you needed to appear before the great prelates of the Church?”
--I would go with a profound humility [truth]. By the grace of the Holy Ghost, I would reply without fear to the words addressed to me.
“My dear child, I have seen your courage. Now I name you: Child of Martyrdom.
--This name does not belong to me. I only deserve the name of the miserable Magdalene who falls from love at the feet of the Good Master. (18 December 1877)
[Source: pages 90-91, Le ciel en colloque avec Marie-Julie Jahenny, by Fr. Pierre Roberdel].
Reflection on this prophecy:
These are times when we need to ask Saint Joseph for courage.
In this prophecy we learn that God's enemies will not be allowed to destroy Marie-Julie Jahenny’s home, because her friends will “walk upon a solid earth”. This means that they will have courage and they will demand justice.
Their courage will make “perfidious and perverse men... respect this place”.
We need to be courageous also, because God's Truth, His Love, the fact that Jesus Christ is our Saviour needs to be shouted from the treetops. This is true charity!
Otherwise, how culpable we will be when God's punishment “fall[s] from the sky upon the earth” and our family, colleagues and neighbours face their deaths without thinking of the Cross as their only sanctuary. And it is!
Our Blessed Mother has been pleading to Christ her Son to “keep back the Chastisements”, but we know the signs that the Divine Chastisements are already begun.
Think of the turbulent weather; spiritually, think of the fact that there is apostasy in those who call themselves the Roman Catholic Hierarchy.
Indeed, “the Mountain of Faith” (the Papacy) has fallen from view. The Papacy, and therefore the Church are being eclipsed since October 26, 1958... almost sixty-four years!
And our sufferings will get worse in this battle with evil. There will be martyrdom.
Marie-Julie emphatically states that she is ready to be martyred, that she has “hoped for martyrdom since her childhood.”
The Holy Virgin replies that these times will be full of “pains, . . . . enough to make the greatest martyrs.”
--Remember, we need to ask Saint Joseph for courage!
Marie-Julie’s response shows us that we need to always think on God and how the whole of His creation is constantly supported by His Love: she says that she “loses [herself] in the immensity of God so much, that [she] is able to put aside all pains and all trials.”
In other words, Marie-Julie prays always.
Prayer, the daily and constant thinking of God's infinite Power and Love will help us to endure all martyrdoms.
The Blessed Virgin Mother asks Marie-Julie about being “at the point of being nailed to the Cross”; that is, losing all supports here on earth, all human and earthly supports and comforts.
Marie-Julie says that she is accustomed to suffer for the Truth, that there are “hollows (holes) to direct those” who would pound in the nails.
Yes, like us, she is for the truth, so she has already known suffering and there is no turning back from this life, which, out of love for God, accepts all sufferings: “Suffering will be a pain of love.”
The Blessed Mother then speaks of the injustices which will be made into laws, and which will make the True Catholic an enemy of the State who will have to “appear before tribunals, before men who “rule” the earth.”
Marie-Julie’s answer is sublime: “Then I will appear before them. I am innocent of all crime.”
And we again see that her only thought is how her soul stands in the Light of God.
This is where she gets her courage. She does not contemplate the injustices of men, she only thinks of God and His Love and Salvation.
Our Blessed Mother is so moved by her little “Marie-Julie”, that she gives her her new name: “Child of Martyrdom.”
Why? Because Marie-Julie understands how to live in God.
Marie-Julie does not delude herself that she is without sins, and she does not cower because of her sins!
No, she is humble (honest), she knows her human failings. So she responds to the Holy Mother of God by saying that she rather sees herself as Mary Magdalene who, made miserable by the truth of her own failings, falls in grateful love “at the feet of the Good Master.”
May we also be courageous and recognize our weaknesses and failures, and kneel before He who loves us and sustains us in our human frailty.
May this humility (this truth) be our witness to others. May we be truthful about ourselves and always reflect the Truth of God and of His Church.
Remember this: if we love the truth, we will stand up for what is right!
LINKS: The Few Faithful St. Michael Prayer LA SALETTE THE HOLY GHOST REPENTANCE Marie-Julie Prayers Your Home Oratory Prophecy Books SACRAMENTALS
[Canon 1825] If anyone then says that it is not from the institution of Christ the Lord Himself, or by divine right that the blessed Peter has perpetual successors in the primacy over the universal Church, or that the Roman Pontiff is not the successor of blessed Peter in the same primacy, let him be anathema.
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04.11 | 21:09
I can only buy Hawthorn with both leaves and flowers. Does that matter?
19.10 | 04:46
Please, may I know how I can have a blessed candle. Hoping for your reply.
09.10 | 19:15
I ask for prayers for my children to return to the practice of their Catholic faith.
06.07 | 14:41
I am looking for little Gospels of His Holy Name. Do you have them?
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