Jul. 3, 2022


In the presence of the Divine Majesty, says Marie-Julie, I experienced a deep rest. On the other hand, never had any sorrow weighed so heavily upon my being as the sight of what the Lord causes me to see in regard to the earth.

The Lord told me:

“You shall wait for a short while, but not for long before you reveal everything deposited in your soul.” 

“I do not know,” I replied, “whether throughout all past centuries, one single soul existed, being visited by grace, who has seen what Thou let my own soul see: a sight causing one to shiver, a sight capable of causing death.”

I saw the See of the earth horribly overthrown. I saw Satan and his men giving themselves out as conquerors and kings, in spite of God’s orders. I saw armies triumphing at the Center. The armies of those culprit conquerors will attempt to oppose the true passage of the true servants of God who will be coming, from about everywhere on earth, with the faith, which one still retains at present time, and with a hope nothing will succeed in breaking. God’s servants will rush against those armies, who will oppose their passing, in a deadly defense.

The Great Crowned one will raise his voice to say: “Take up your arms, strike to the ground those armies I am cursing in my authority.”

I saw the sword falling down upon the head of the crowned triumpher; and above the sword, these words were floating:

“I declared that there was only one man destined to the French Empire. I hold My back upright with anger and justice; I will exterminate pride in that king established by men, and whom My will rejected.”

All those walls were being destroyed, which served as a shelter for those who were ruling under that roof. But this is nothing compared to what is still to take place. 

(Confided by Jesus Christ, November 7, 1882)

[Source:  pp. 185-6, Prophecies of La Fraudais, compiled by Fr. Pierre Roberdel.]

 Reflection on this prophecy:

When freemasonry planned the takeover of worldly power, the Papacy and the universal Roman Catholic Church stood in its way.

All defenders and supporters of the Papacy had to be eliminated (martyred) or neutralized by threats or infiltration; and then the Papacy itself would be defenceless against a freemasonic takeover:

“I saw the See of the earth horribly overthrown.”

Have they won the world? Yes… for now.

What steps did they take?


The greatest supporter of the Papacy, the French monarchy, was abolished with the martyrdom of King Louis XVI and his wife and children.

Other monarchs were also removed by murder or martyrdom:  Czar Nicholas and his wife and children, and Archduke Ferdinand.

And thus, other Roman Catholic monarchs were threatened into submission.

When the papal takeover occurred on October 26, 1958, all the remaining monarchies on earth worked hand-in-hand with the unholy usurpers:

“I saw Satan and his men giving themselves out as conquerors and kings, in spite of God’s orders.”


Since the beginning of freemasonry, freemasons have been infiltrating in order to obtain positions of power within the Church.

Freemasons like Cardinal Rompola and Bishop Leinart, were putting other freemasons into positions of power so that dioceses in Italy, France, and worldwide are now practising masonic principles and prayers.

Infiltration has been so successful in the Jesuits and all other religious orders that those dwelling in these orders today are so completely in line with the masonic ideals that they reject sound Catholic doctrine!

The sad reality is that any individual or group aligning themselves with the freemasonic anti-popes, including Lefebvre’s SSPX, is not to be trusted.

Freemasonry has commandeered the barque of Peter, by working secretly, like a cancer, killing the true Faith from within.

For Marie-Julie, this is “a sight causing one to shiver, a sight capable of causing death.”

But take heart! – there are men and women who are rising up in defense of the true Faith!

These “true servants of God”, inspired by their love for Jesus Christ and for the Truth, are using the internet to fight against all false masonic teachings.

Their blogspots/websites need to be written down, as their social media channels are always being censored and threatened with permanent removal by the armies of watchdogs of the mediacrats:

“The armies of those culprit conquerors will attempt to oppose the true passage of the true servants of God who will be coming, from about everywhere on earth, with the faith”.

Truth does not tolerate the satanic sacrifice of babies, children and youth, nor the slaughter of holy dogmas, sacraments, morals, consciences, and, ultimately, souls.

We know that God is stronger than the devils and their dupes; we have, in the depths of our souls “a hope nothing will succeed in breaking.”

Many voices are speaking out to condemn freemasons and their treachery!

God will not allow souls to be born into this world just to be damned into Hell:

“God’s servants will rush against those armies,… in a deadly defense.”

The truth will be told about the abuses of those in power, about their heinous crimes against all citizens:

“All those walls were being destroyed, which served as a shelter for those who were ruling under that roof.”

Yes, despite the freemasonic control of all forms of media and communication, all will be revealed by God’s grace and the weight of their own crimes will bring down those in power:

“I will exterminate pride in that king established by men, and whom My will rejected.”

And, at the end of this prophecy, Marie-Julie bolsters us with the knowledge that we have yet to experience greater joy on this earth:

“But this is nothing compared to what is still to take place.”

Of course, Marie-Julie means the public exoneration of Holy Mother Church and the Papal Restoration, the return of Holy Mother Church out of her Exile.

And yes, the Church will be proven innocent of all accusations and her accusers will be proven to be liars.

This is why the prophet Daniel writes about the exoneration of the faithful wife Susanna (chapter 13) after the defeat of the Antichrist by the Truth, the rising up of Saint Michael (chapter 12), whose name means “Who is like unto God?”

And so, we can see that Marie is hinting to us to look into the prophets of the Holy Scriptures, so as to see all that is to take place, when she prefaces this prophecy with:

“I do not know,” I replied, “whether throughout all past centuries, one single soul existed, being visited by grace, who has seen what Thou let my own soul see: a sight causing one to shiver, a sight capable of causing death.”

Thanks be to God for our dear friends, God’s holy prophets! 

LINKS:  CATACOMBS St. Michael Prayer   The Great Crisis  The See of the Cross  The Few Faithful   French Monarch   3 Crises in France   3 Days of Darkness   After the 3 Days   Getting to Brittany   Diseases   Remedies   REPENTANCE   Consecration Prayers   Your Home Oratory  Lethal Plague   Blessed Food & Drink  

 [Canon 1825]  If anyone then says that it is not from the institution of Christ the Lord Himself, or by divine right that the blessed Peter has perpetual successors in the primacy over the universal Church, or that the Roman Pontiff is not the successor of blessed Peter in the same primacy, let him be anathema.

Latest comments

04.11 | 21:09

I can only buy Hawthorn with both leaves and flowers. Does that matter?

19.10 | 04:46

Please, may I know how I can have a blessed candle. Hoping for your reply.

09.10 | 19:15

I ask for prayers for my children to return to the practice of their Catholic faith.

06.07 | 14:41

I am looking for little Gospels of His Holy Name. Do you have them?

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